Central Intelligence Agency Medical Director Envelope

CIA requested additional health information from me during my recruitment process. This letter was sent to me from the Office of CIA’s Medical Director. I believe I gave the letter that was enclosed to my primary care physician for completion, I do not have a copy.

20505 is a known CIA zip code and this letter was mailed to me by CIA, revealing I was under consideration for CIA employment before I started working. CIA is supposed to protect the future cover of CIA National Clandestine Service applicants during the recruitment process but the bureaucracy often fails to do so. My cover was also blown by CIA in October of 2009 (and continuously after by CIA staff) following my car accident and suspension from CIA employment.

DD1 refers to Dulles Discovery a CIA facility responsible for processing applicants. CIA applicants undergo Medical and Polygraph screening at the DD1 facility.

CIAcorrupt.Blogspot.com EXCLUSIVE!! My CIA Medical Files

Here is my CIA medical file which the CIA based its decision to fire me on:

CIA Medical Files:
I posted these files without comment due to #CIA #Pre-publication Review requirements. I own the Medical files, however if I add any comments, I must subject my post to the CIA Censors.
Follow me on twitter: @Wlynnae


The CIA has refused to meet my deadlines and I have reached a decision to move forward with publication of CIA approved documents via my twitter account: @wlynnae. This is not a decision I reached easily but it is what it is, the CIA censors failed to keep their obligation to respond to deadlines in a timely manner. The people have a right to know.

I quote the First Amendment to the United States Constitution:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I wanted to give you, the people, the information in context but the CIA censors will not allow me to do it on time, this is breaking news and time sensitive. I thought the CIA would understand this but unfortunately I was wrong.

New Flier–Please hand out, Get the Word Out


Lynnae Williams


Covert CIA Agent

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Exposing CIA Corruption one Tweet/Blog at a Time


Times/Dates for the upcoming White House Protest for Freedom from the CIA will be posted to my blog and twitter account. Let’s come together and call on President Obama to show he still stands for CHANGE. YES WE CAN!!!


I Unfairly Jumped the Gun with the PRB

This is my formal and public apology for my public admonishment of the members of the CIA’s Publication Review Board (PRB). On twitter, In a very public way, I accused the PRB of intentionally refusing to publish information that would be humiliating and damaging to the CIA. I cannot make accusations about the CIA with any credibility if I am unwilling to hold myself to the same exacting standards. I stand corrected and wish to put this in the public record. I hope this will not diminish my readership nor my readerships confidence in the accuracy of the rest of the information contained on this blog. Thank you for your continued support.