Personnel Evaluation Board Decision

These are the OFFICIAL documents from the CIA’s Personnel Evaluation Board on me!!! They reveal CIA’s premeditated, methodical, and systematic deprivation of a citizen’s civil liberties in the name of national security!! If they would do this to me, what else are they out there doing??? These documents were view by the highest levels of CIA staff who approved them for use at the TOP SECRET PEB (the accused is not allowed to attend these secret sessions where senior CIA Staff make judgments about their fate) session on me in the Spring of 2010. There was no due process, no opportunity for me to face my accusers, nothing that we grew up being told was true during our indoctrination in the United States of America School system. The Constitution does not apply if you work for a U.S. Intelligence Agency. I would have never believed it if it hadn’t happened to me. How are we any different from the Chinese or Russians?

One thought on “Personnel Evaluation Board Decision

  1. Just wondering why did you sign the documents if you were concerned about the whole process? You signed that you had the opportunity and chance to ask questions, etc…for someone who is outspoken on media against the CIA and clearly a smart woman, why did you not refuse to sign? I’m not trying to be accusatory but wouldn’t it have been better not to sign if you felt so strongly?
    If they held or threatened anything against you had you refused to sign, that would have led to a whole another story and path that you could have taken against them…

    “…The Constitution does not apply if you work for a U.S. Intelligence Agency. I would have never believed it if it hadn’t happened to me. ”

    So, if it happened to someone else, you’re saying you wouldn’t have believed it? Why not? So, since it didn’t happen to me why should I believe you. Just because you shared documents doesn’t make your story any more or less believable than others.
    And just so you know, it’s not just problematic solely for a U.S. Intelligence Agency…there are other agencies in the US that do things you probably wouldn’t believe anyway.

    “They reveal CIA’s premeditated, methodical, and systematic deprivation of a citizen’s civil liberties in the name of national security!!”

    If you’re an employee of the CIA- there’s a distinction between you and a regular citizen.
    Unlike a regular civilian job, in the intelligence world (not just CIA), once you sign up with them your life BELONGS to them; your career is managed by them, everything you do is not private. Your family, medical history, it’s all there. They’ll have files on you and yes, they will make decisions behind closed doors without you present. What law in the Constitution can you NOT have a loophole for??
    Please don’t tell me you had no clue based on all those questionnaires, application packages and documents that you didn’t expect this…you’re an IO, you should know the world of national security, It’s not the same as in a “civilian world”. The constitution? Yes. It’s there. But so what? There are loopholes and exceptions and directives and other things that go on behind closed doors that the public will never hear about.
    The CIA is one intelligence agency in the USA. Agencies have presidential directives, the NSC reviews all means, what happened to you- kudos for speaking out amidst the warnings- but unfortunately, you were a dot in a system- there are worse, much worse that happened to others. The Constitution, yep, just ask yourself what are we teaching our kids and how the public lives in their bubble world.

    Yes, you’re taught things in the United States of America School system, blah, blah. Because those are values, rights and justices that should be upheld. But are they? Intelligence agencies are a different breed- don’t expect McDonald’s Human Resources. You think just because you work for a U.S Intelligence Agency, you think that it’s all nice and sweet by the books and fair? You don’t have to be an employee of the CIA to know what unconstitutional things are done. The information is out there despite efforts to keep it from public knowledge.
    Those documents on Wikileaks you’re sharing…suggestion: you need to look beyond Wikileaks and media.

    “If they would do this to me, what else are they out there doing??? ”

    You actually ask this? You’re not that clueless-are you? What you say about the CIA, doesn’t surprise me. If only you knew, how deep the CIA goes…besides there are other Top Secret committees that the public has no idea about, and shocker: files on citizens (*gasp*).

    “There was no due process, no opportunity for me to face my accusers, nothing that we grew up being told was true…”

    Welcome to the real world.. and out of the bubble. But in all fairness, if you do your research right, you’ll see that it’s not exclusive to the CIA. Kudos to you for speaking out.

    Despite what you experienced as an employee at the CIA, online, you can see how excited people are to apply to work with intelligence agencies, believing that it’s all glamorous, etc. Almost as if they don’t know what they’re applying to. Who can blame them. The image of the CIA and working there evokes pride and patriotism. Am I thankful for the work of the CIA- yes. But National Security and Constitutional’re treading into murky waters. Just because you think a lifeguard is present, doesn’t mean you’ll be secure and forewarned of anything, you can still get attacked by the shark.
    Nevertheless, it never ceases to amaze me all the rejects who put out all this information about the recruitment process and details. If I were a terrorist, there is so much information out there I could use to my advantage- but that’s another story and off-topic.

    What you pointed out from your experience, sadly, it’s nothing new. Welcome to the USA.

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